Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Thursday in Team Wha

Today we had a sharing time with kids in Team Wha telling us about different things.  Alex was super proud of his achievement last weekend with being made player of the day.  He got this neat trophy for showing a wonderful attitude to his team and helping them to do well in their game.  We are proud of you too Alex.  Well done you :)
 Team Wha has been learning all about area and we made leaf rubbings in our books so we could find the area of the leaf.

Area is all about how much space something has inside and we drew these wonderful area robots. Some of them were small or larger in area than others.

 By Alex

 By Joshua
 By Olivea
By Jak

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Finding the area.

Today we went on a leaf hunt for the sole aim of finding out what the area of a leaf is.  We discovered the area of a leaf can be many things.  We used the blocks to measure this and the biggest area was 41 blocks. I wonder if you can guess who found the biggest leaf...

Thursday, 5 May 2016


Measurement, measurement, measurement

What a fantastic night had by everyone 

There were so many different types of measuring activities at our Bangers and Maths evening.  Paper chains, sherbet making, IT apps and so much more.  It was a fantastic night.  

If you want the sherbet recipe this is the one we used and it was so yummy.

  1. Add 1 level teaspoon of citric acid to the cup
  2. Add 1 level teaspoon of baking soda to the cup
  3. Now add 3 dessert spoons of icing sugar to the cup
  4. Add at least 2 dessert spoons of jelly crystals

A bit of useless information: 2 teaspoons are equivalent to a dessert spoon and 3 teaspoons are the equivalent a tablespoon.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

This week is all about measurement.  We have been reading the story of The Grouchy Ladybug and decided to find out the size difference between the Whale and the Lady bug.  WOW - heaps of difference.  We made a chain that was 37 meters long a lady bug is only 5millimetres long.

 We the decided to lie down and measure if Team Wha was as long as a Whale.  We discovered we were not.  We learnt all about centimetres and metres as well as millimetres.  We also had fun doing it.