Monday, 29 August 2016

Tuakana Teina Time

Our lovely big buddies came visiting today and we read our reading books to them and then we had fun creating books with book creator on the ipads.  Some very interesting outcomes.  Thanks Room 14 we had the best time with you and we learnt lots with your wonderful questioning skills.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Hola (oh la) Hello from Mexico

Team Wha have been doing some research about different countries involved in the Olympic Games.  Today is Mexico.

 We learnt that Mexico is in the North American continent.

The Mexico has a population of 122.3 Million people. 

The leader of Mexico is Enrique Pena Nieto.

 Its main industries are food and beverages, tobacco, chemicals, iron and steel, petroleum, clothing, motor vehicles, and tourism. It is a major exporter of silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton, oil and oil products. WOW!!!
We learnt that working together is not always easy but we never gave up and we learnt heaps.
 ADIOS (goodbye). 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Harold and Ann and the Life Ed caravan

Life Education with Ann and Harold

Team Wha visited the Life Education trailer today and learnt all about what our bodies need to be happy and healthy.

We were on our very best behaviour and showed Ann 5 constantly throughout our visit. 

Harold was a bit naughty and wandered off before we got there and Ann had to tell him how to get back to the trailer so he could come and visit us.

Our bodies need, water, food, cleaning, exercise, love, shelter, sleep and oxygen so that we are able to grow our bodies into big bodies.
We get to go back next Monday and see them both.  We can not wait.