Thursday, 17 November 2016


Just because we can and because we are trying to make a difference with finding uses to recycle and 
reuse paper.  We made our own biodegradable pots out of old newspaper for our sunflower seeds to live in.
When the time is right we will take them home and plant them.  It will make
our gardens look very pretty and it will let the bees come into the garden
as well.  Little things we do to make our environments
more attractive to bees will make a difference.

 When we plant out our sunflower seedlings we dont even have to take the plant out of the pot.  We will plant the pot as well as the newspaper will break down and feed the soil and the plant.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Last week in Team Wha we found another way of recycling polystyrene.  We used something called acetone - nail polish remover and the polystyrene just totally dissolved into the goo you see below.  We then tried to make little animals and things so we could repurpose the plastic.  We were all amazed not only did we recycle we also did a bit of science.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

 We have been learning all about Lauren Child and the different books she has written.  We have discovered that there are 45 Charlie and Lola books. WOW!  She has written many others and we cant decide which ones we like the best.  We also found out that she has a daughter Tuesday and just loves everything about being a child.
Here are some of our own pictures using that pesky rat as a model.  We think they turned out great.