Monday, 20 October 2014

Rm 4's E.O.T. C. Cornwall Park.

At the end of last term we visited Cornwall Park and had a Teddy Bear's Picnic as part of our out door education. We had a picnic lunch with biscuits that we had iced at school. We walked through the indoor hot house and walked through the bamboo on our way to the Chinese Gardens.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Mahora School Cross Country.

We had a fantastic time at our school cross country. The weather was a bit wet but we jumped over hay bales and ran through a pool of water and we felt great when we ran to the finishing line. We were dressed in our team colours.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Room 4 just thinks Harold is wonderful and are asking the question "is Harold real?" A question that will have no answer.

We have been learning about what our body needs and healthy eating. We need VARIETY when we eat food to keep our body healthy. We need air, water, shade, exercise, sleep, love, shelter, food, safety and to wash our bodies.
Harold sang us a song about VARIETY and we went on a pretend picnic with Harold and Possum.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Our Visit to The Arataki Honey House.
What Did We Learn?
The bees do a waggle dance to tell other bees where the flowers are. (Austin)
They polinate other flowers. (Denzel)
They go from flower  to flower to get pollen and nectar ( Maia)
When a baby bee is born a drone bee dies. ( Matthew)
The female bees, which are workers sting you.(Hannah)
When a bee stings it dies.(Tommie)
The queen bee is bigger than other bees. (Lucy)
When a worker bee goes to a flower it gets pollen and when it goes to another flower some of the pollen rubs off onto that flower. (Audery)
Bees cannot see the colour red. (Alex.)
Bees do a round dance. (Austin)
Drones sneak into the hive. (Royil)

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Our Inquiry Topic this term is "Bees."
This is what we knew about bees before our learning started.
. They sting. ( Alex) Collect pollen. (Hannah) Carry pollen on their legs. (Cadyn)
We need bees other wise we have no food. (Kahlaya) They make honey. (Liam)
They deliver the honey. (Maia) They have a sharp tail to sting you. (Paskell)
Bees go from flower to flower to get nectar. ( Audery.)
We know lost more about bees now so keep watching our blog.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Opening Of The Mahora School Bike Track. On Tuesday Room 4 had their helmet fitted (we all have our own helmets with our name on them,) then  we were able to go for a ride on a bike. We have three different tracks at  our school, the distance track, the pump track and the skills track. Nearly all of us can ride a two wheeler bike.
We had such fun on the bike track and had our photo taken. We can't wait until it is our turn again.
Kai pai to ra from Room 4.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Emma grew this enormous pumpkin for the Mitre 10 Pumpkin Weighing Competition. It weighs 27 kilos and is called an Atlantic Pumpkin. As you can see Emma painted a bunny rabbit face on her pumpkin. Well done Emma.
Have a Happy Easter. From Room 4.

Room 4 has been doing some clown Art and learning the poem called " I Saw Nine Clowns."
Here we are hiding behind our clown faces.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Room 4 has been learning about relays.
Here are some stories that we wrote.
We are having a relay. I like the relay . I give the ball to the next person.they run to the person, we go back in the line.
by Emma.

We are doing relays with the ball. We give the ball to the other person then it is their turn after the person who had a turn.
by Hannah.

I can see a person running with the ball in the field. The ball is yellow.
By Cadyn.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

We are learning to hang our bags up in the cloak bay and we are learning to keep our cloak bay clean and tidy.
In the morning when we come  to school we are learning to put our book bags in our tote tray.
Most of Rooms 3 and 4 are getting very good at this. We need to remember to push our tote trays in.
We also remember to take our chair down in the morning and take our book bag home at home time.
This was written by room 4.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A Vintage Car Day At Mahora School. Such Fun.

The day the Vintage Cars arrived at school.
We were really excited to go for a ride in a car that looked old, had different door handles and no seat belts. Even the horn sounded funny. We wrote great stories about our ride in a vintage car.
Room 4 all set for a day of learning.

Room 4 are learning how to use blogger on the iPad

Here is a photo of Miss Kittow playing her guitar.

Welcome To Room 4 2014.

Well here we are into week 5 of Term 1 already and it will be another busy one in Room 4.
We have 21 children in our class 11 girls and 10  boys.
Our key Competency this term is Managing Ourselves and our Mahora School value is
As part of managing ourselves we are learning to put our book bag in our tray each morning, put our
 chair down and sit quietly on the mat after morning tea and lunch time. We are also learning to work
 quietly at our tables. The children have a learning buddy whom they sit on the mat with each day. 
These learning buddies are changed twice a term. It is a good way for the children to interact with
We started the term off with “Me” as our Inquiry Topic but haven’t got very far as swimming takes up
 a good chunk of the afternoon. The children are really enjoying the swimming and are excited to
 swim each day at 1.30.
We have started a new writing programme in our class called ALPS.
Oh I must say that the great excitement of the day is the milk that comes in a carton with a straw. 
The children are so good at sitting and drinking their milk.
Please feel free to come and visit our class before or after school any time that suits you and check 
out our blog.