Sunday, 8 June 2014

Our Inquiry Topic this term is "Bees."
This is what we knew about bees before our learning started.
. They sting. ( Alex) Collect pollen. (Hannah) Carry pollen on their legs. (Cadyn)
We need bees other wise we have no food. (Kahlaya) They make honey. (Liam)
They deliver the honey. (Maia) They have a sharp tail to sting you. (Paskell)
Bees go from flower to flower to get nectar. ( Audery.)
We know lost more about bees now so keep watching our blog.


  1. Im really looking forward to your new learning Room 4...cant wait to see it!!
    From Mr Pearse

  2. Hi Room 4! I really like all of the things you know about bees already. I bet you have learnt a lot more...
    What are some of the things you know now?
    From Mrs G
