Thursday, 26 June 2014

Our Visit to The Arataki Honey House.
What Did We Learn?
The bees do a waggle dance to tell other bees where the flowers are. (Austin)
They polinate other flowers. (Denzel)
They go from flower  to flower to get pollen and nectar ( Maia)
When a baby bee is born a drone bee dies. ( Matthew)
The female bees, which are workers sting you.(Hannah)
When a bee stings it dies.(Tommie)
The queen bee is bigger than other bees. (Lucy)
When a worker bee goes to a flower it gets pollen and when it goes to another flower some of the pollen rubs off onto that flower. (Audery)
Bees cannot see the colour red. (Alex.)
Bees do a round dance. (Austin)
Drones sneak into the hive. (Royil)

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Our Inquiry Topic this term is "Bees."
This is what we knew about bees before our learning started.
. They sting. ( Alex) Collect pollen. (Hannah) Carry pollen on their legs. (Cadyn)
We need bees other wise we have no food. (Kahlaya) They make honey. (Liam)
They deliver the honey. (Maia) They have a sharp tail to sting you. (Paskell)
Bees go from flower to flower to get nectar. ( Audery.)
We know lost more about bees now so keep watching our blog.